Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ear fluidity, are you swimming without being in water?

Today we finished a greek lesson with Rosetta stone, educational, but exhausting, phew my brain hurts!

Mariah had a soccer game today, we were in charge of snacks and got to bring carved apples that look like faces!

Yesterday my ears felt like I was underwater and it became worse over the course of a few hours. This lead to my learning about cleaning out the nasal passages with a netti pot or in my case a nose dropper filled with hot water, sea salt, eucalyptus oil, and menthol oil while tilting my head and blowing my nose as hard as i could while plugging my nose to unplug my ears and get the oils in my ears for a bit to clean them out. This was supposed to completely help me, it helped a little, but not like I had hoped.

I had just been given antibiotics, that I am okay taking for a urinary tract infection. I thought that if my detox was going the way it should be, that i wasn't drinking enough water and the toxins got stuck in my bladder, so I am taking probiotics with my antibiotics, but it was my ear problem that allowed me to take the antibiotics with hopes of also clearing up my ear problem.

We were debating on going to the E.R., but thought I would try one more thing. I have seen a 6 year old girl do this so I thought i definitely can; eat some garlic and honey. So I chopped up a garlic clove in as small of pieces as I could and scooped my spoon in honey. My 'honey' then held the spoon while i put the garlic on the honey and down the gullet it went. I went to bed, satisfied that I had tried everything I could, and if I wasn't better by morning, I would go to the hospital so they could help me.

Upon waking, I asked my husband to talk to see if the sound would be muffled in my head, to my amazement and surprise, I could hear him just fine. There was no muffled sound like I was swimming underwater anymore, my hearing had been restored to what it was prior to my problem. What would have caused this? Well with my small research that was done yesterday, I believe it was a food allergy. I am not sure exactly what, but it was my lunch and there was cheese with it. If it wasn't organic cheese than that would definitely have caused something of this magnitude to happen.

There are substitutes for cheese if you are lactose intolerant or dairy sensitive like me. I am learning to make a 'cheese' cracker that even my 6 year old daughter enjoys. The recipe is as follows:

  • 2 bell peppers (preferrably yellow)
  • 1 c. macadamia nuts
  • dash of cayenne pepper
  • dash of salt

blend in highspeed blender (i have the blendtec with the 3 qt (96oz) caraffe), once blended this can be used as a dip or put on the dehydrator to be made into crackers using the teflex sheets.

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