Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Detoxing with Oil Pulling & Dehydrated Cracker Recipe

There are so many things I want to write about. If not just to get it all out for my own good, who knows how many will read this. I am going through a week of detox. A few of the things I have done so far include:
  • epsom salt bath
  • bentonite clay bath
  • taking zeolite 3x a day
  • colostrum (reformatting the immune system)
  • juicing
  • eating mostly raw
  • liver, colon cleanse, fiber, superfoods (spirulina, cholorphyll)
  • barley greens, and
  • sesame seed oil pulling
I want to talk about my sesame seed oil pulling done this morning. I put about 1 oz. of sesame oil in my mouth and swished it around for about 15 minutes. I listened to videos about oil pulling in the process. After about 10 minutes I could feel the mucous in my throat start to release from the lining. After 15 minutes, i spit it in the toilet and brushed my teeth. My mouth should be sore from all the chemo in my body if it is really pulling toxins to the forefront in my mouth, and indeed it is. I can tell it is working after only one time! This is a great sensation when something is working and you know your body well enough to notice change.

I have been working on making a few things in my new dehydrator and my quest for a mostly raw diet. I have a 5-tray excaliber that I purchased from rawfoodworld.com There is everything I could ever want on that website, but not totally without the means to buy everything that I necessarily want. So my purchases are kept to a minimum.

my flax cracker recipe consisted of:
  1. 2 organic green bell peppers
  2. 1 cup of cilantro
  3. 4 cloves of garlic
  4. 1 cup of soaked flax seeds
This is not an entirely tasty recipe for the cracker as it turned out, usually yellow bell peppers are more attractive for eating, i am excited to try my recipe for my 'cheezy' crackers. I do not have a lot of yellow peppers in which to work, but i do have baby bell peppers in different colors. Add to that mixture macadamia nuts and cayenne pepper and a dash of salt and throw it in the dehydrator on a teflex sheet.

I dehydrated pears, apples and a banana with my cracker mix to fill all 5 trays that I have and the fruit turned out grand, although how do you mess up fruit? It's already delicious. :)


  1. how is dehydrating food healthy? i would think your body needs the moisture in the fruit. i am totally obivious to the raw food concept although i have heard a little about it on Dr OZ :) i need to change my eating habits but just havent been able to get on board. i am def a carb junkie (white processed carbs) and i know it's so not good for me. the oil pulling is intriguing...tell me more. im looking forward to hearing about your journey. :)

  2. As far as information on dehydrating, this is a website that briefly explains. http://www.drystore.com/page/page/1346972.htm

    it is not good to eat dehydrated foods all the time, but for snacks and preserving foods, it is beneficial and keeps more enzymes and vitamins than it would from cooking them.

    I just found out about oil-pulling and it's good for pulling toxins out of your body, i'm not exactly sure how it works that is why i wanted to document what was happening to my body as it was going on. :) thanks for the encouraging words!
    May 12, 2010 5:29 PM
